..As an adult, I always look back on that eventful day with a mixture of humor, immense gratitude and humility. I now know what my young mind couldn't grasp then.
It's impossible to go through life without trials and struggles being thrown at you. They come when you least expect them, when your guard is down and your defenses are weak. They come when you are happily strolling down a street and bullets start flying at you.
You can dodge them all you want, but as long as you are alive, they will keep on coming, from all directions. You cannot always stop dead on your tracks, or duck down forever. Sure, you might get wounded, but you just have to bandage the wound and carry on. There's no room for complacency or defeat.
The saying goes: When life gives you lemon, make lemonade". But I say: when someone sprays you with bullets, hit the ground and eat some dirt. When it's safe, pick yourself up and start walking again. After all, there's lunch to deliver and a reward to collect.
-by Thadani Baesa-