In a tight market job like today's, a bold imaginative stroke can work wonders.
A young job applicant walked down a corridor at Vogue Magazine in New York after failing to get an interview. As she passed the open door of a large editorial office, she noticed two empty desks and inquired about them. Learning that they have been vacated by 2 caption writers who had recently left the staff, she casually sat down, saying: 'This must be where I am supposed to work.'
The employees in the room stared as the young woman settled in, but her self possession discouraged questions. Very shortly, she was handed some photographs to caption, then more. And she kept right on working until she had an official job.
Such presumptions in seeking a job is usually not recommended. Job hunters are counseled to play it straight, follow traditional routines, avoid the garish, flamboyant and unconditional. And this is sound advice for most people most of the time.
Sometimes though, when you have fought the good fight through ego flattering months, it's good for the soul to smash out of the groove. An occasional bold stroke will not hurt too much. Surprisingly often, it works.
Age gracefully?
I think not. I will age ferociously instead.
Seize everything valuable within reach.
Extend, Question, Give. The face will follow.
No cosmetic surgeons in the world could ever produce such a face.
The day my daughter said she was moving in with her boyfriend, I shared what I know about living without any kind of tie such as marriage. But it was to no avail.
However, over the last few years, as i continue to learn more about living together, I was even more convinced it was the wrong thing to do. I became so determined to help young women and men avoid or cope with the pregnancies that all too often result from living together.
As our children become young adults, we can no longer make decisions for them.
Nor can we keep them completely away from harm. But at least we can arm them with all the facts that we can find.
The last thing that we can do is pray that they will make the right choices..
When someone is convinced that things can't be done, he will cling to the conviction in the face of the most obvious contradiction.
At the time that Robert Fulton gave the first public demonstration of his steamboat, one of those 'can't be done' fellows stood in the crowd along the shore repeating :
'He can't start her!'
Suddenly there was a belch of steam and the boat began to move.
Startled, the man stared a moment and then began to chant ' He can't stop her!'
Is failure difficult to achieve?
To be a failure, you must live with no desire for achievement.
No goals, no objective, no drive. Life becomes stagnant. Nothing interesting ever happen to you, because nothing interests you anyway. You complaint without trying to find a solution. You feel that everything and everyone is against you. You just don't do anything about it.
You go to work and come back home. The next day, you go to work and come back home again. You let the decisions of your life be made by default. You became the rider instead of the driver of your own life. Your day, today and tomorrow is no different than your day yesterday.
To become a failure needs a certain character traits. Only people who has those specific, special talents can fail. And they have to stick to those traits to ensure that they are always in the failure mode. Any desire to deviate from those specific traits will take them out from the failure mode. It's not that easy to be a failure.