We all go through tough times, and we all fail at one time or another.
These words by an unknown author have helped me through many times of testing. Perhaps, they will help you too:
Failing doesn't mean I'm a failure,
It just means I have not succeeded yet.
Failing doesn't mean I have accomplished nothing,
It just means I have learned something.
Failing doesn't mean I have been a fool,
It just means I have enough faith to experiment.
Failing doesn't mean I have been disgraced,
It just means I dared to try.
Failing doesn't mean I don't have what it takes,
It just means I have to try things differently next time.
Failing doesn't mean I am inferior,
It just means I'm not perfect.
Failing doesn't mean I have wasted my time,
It just means I have a reason to start over.
Failing doesn't mean I should give up,
It just means I must try harder.
Failing doesn't mean I'll never make it,
It just means I need more patience.
Failing doesn't mean I'm wrong,
It just means I must find a better way.
Failing doesn't mean God has abandoned me,
It just means I must obediently obey his will.
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