Decide What You Want
In the summer of 1984, a young sky diver's parachute failed to open fully. The young man fell and slammed into a dry lake at 60 miles per hour. He broke almost every bones in his body and the doctors thought that the young man could never leave the hospital bed ever. When they told him the bad news, the young man sank into a deep despair.
While lying in the bed, the young man got an unexpected visit from another patient, whose spinal cord has been severed in a bad automobile accident. The older man could never walk or life a finger again in his whole life. In spite of his condition, the older man was always cheerful.
'I certainly wouldn't recommend my condition to anyone else,' said the older man. 'I do not want anyone to pity me either. I am happy that I can still read and listen to beautiful music. I can also talk to people. There are others in much better condition than me but they do not enjoy their life.'
These words gave hope to the sky diver that he decided not to give up and quit. He focused not on what he has lost but more on what he could do with what he has left. He started thinking of what he could gain by not giving up. He concentrated on what he wanted to do and that ambition kept his attitude positive and gave him hope.
To the amazement of the doctors, in one year, the sky diver managed to walk again and without a trace of a limp.
We all have dreams for a reason. And if we decide exactly what we want in life and go after it as hard as we can, we would surely achieve our dreams. If you cannot decide, that is what makes you go around in circles.
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